Below you’ll find answers to our most commonly asked questions. 

Delivery Information


Yes, our minimum for delivery is 4 cubic yards. For the most part, products cannot be combined to meet the minimum. However, we will soon offer that opportunity with select products and, if you have questions about combining your products, call us.

Delivery costs vary by market. There is a flat rate for delivery within 20 miles of a Living Earth® location. However, we deliver beyond 20 miles but there is an additional per mile fee. Our pricing is based on current fuel costs. If your order exceeds delivery truck capacity or if you order two or more products, extra delivery trucks will likely be needed. Accordingly, the delivery fee applies to each truck required.

The delivery area is within 20 miles of your closest Living Earth® location. For deliveries outside the area, there’s an additional per mile fee. Contact your nearest Living Earth® location for more details.

Whether you call us or come by (shopping online available soon), our delivery process is the same. Once booked, we’ll reach out to confirm delivery on the day of. We strongly suggest (often require) that you be present for delivery so you can advise on where you’d like your order placed. We do not drive on lawns so the product(s) will likely be placed alongside your curb or in the driveway. Larger trucks cannot enter some residential areas. Accordingly, be sure to tell us about any possible obstructions that may limit access such as an alleyway, roundabout, overhead lines or narrow roadways.

No. Living Earth® is strictly a green waste recycling and manufacturing company and, while we offer delivery, we do not install landscape product.

We may, depending on market and truck availability. However, this is often limited by overhead wires, tree branches and turning radius. Therefore, when placing your order, let us know if you need your product delivered via alleyway so that, if possible, delivery plans can be made

We require two days for turnaround time. So, plan ahead especially during the spring rush as delivery dates may fill up. Furthermore, if you’d like a weekend delivery, be sure to plan way ahead. 

In many locations, we sell bagged products. Pallets are made up of bags. For example, a pallet of Texas Hardwood Mulch is 60 bags. At this time, not all locations sell bags and pallets. Conversely, bulk product is loose – no bags. When it is unloaded, you will need a wheelbarrow, shovel and a few friends to install it around your yard. As such, we suggest you contact your nearest location for additional details

You are welcome to visit any Living Earth® location to purchase product. Some of our locations are more accessible than others. To learn more, visit our locations pages. When you come in, we can share samples. Please call your nearest location if you have any questions.

Once ordered, your product should be ready at your location within two hours. Bring your receipt, identification and a vehicle large enough to accommodate your products. Upon arrival, park and check in with us. You can walk in or, where available, use the drive- or walk-up windows. We will help you load your vehicle. 

Area and weight are very different when it comes to hauling landscaping products. Area can be easier to determine than weight capabilities, which varies by vehicle. Check your vehicle driver’s manual and contact us about the weight and volume of the product(s) you are ordering. Sand and stone are a lot heavier than mulch!

Use our coverage calculator or give us a call. It is always better to order a bit more because soils tend to compact slightly after a few waterings.

Please contact Living Earth® and we’ll be happy to email you a price sheet or give you specific pricing based on your order.

We accept Mastercard, Visa, Discover, American Express and debit cards.

No. In order to protect your privacy online, we do not save credit card information. 

No. You can check out as a guest. However, by creating an account, you can save products and see your purchasing history.


About Us

We recommend using a compost that blends feed stocks like manure, fruits, vegetables, soft-bodied flowers, plants, grass clippings and leaves to create balance. On its own, manure doesn’t contain all the vital micronutrients that compost does. Importantly, we do not use nor do we recommend the use of biosolids (which is wastewater treatment sludge). 

Compost amount and application depends on your use. We generally recommend adding one to three inches. Blend into existing soil or leave on top of soil to naturally integrate.

Do not plant directly into compost. Compost is a high-quality fertilizer for soil, which is essential for a successful garden. When planting, use our Landscaper’s Mix (Texas) and Magic Mix (Tenn.) for plants, flowers and vegetables. Our Organic Compost is a component of both materials.

Compost is not generally considered to be a fertilizer. However, compost provides organic matter, a broad range of nutrients and active biology – all important elements of a rich, healthy organic soil.

Mulch provides numerous benefits to landscape both from a visual and ecological standpoint. 

– Mulching provides a layer that preserves moisture, reduces evaporation and conserves water.


– As it keeps soil moist, mulch also moderates soil temperature, generally staying cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. 

– Furthermore, proper use of mulch prevents erosion of underlying soil. 

– Mulch acts as a weed barrier by preventing weed seed from growing. 

– Decomposition of mulch adds beneficial organic matter to the planting bed. 

– Finally, mulch adds a beautiful, finished look to planting beds.

A finer textured mulch such as our Premium Fine Hardwood Mulch is a good choice in areas where smaller plants are placed.


There will be areas where coarser grades of mulch would be better, for example, around trees and under large shrubs. Texas Hardwood Mulch or Tennessee Hardwood Mulch is  good for these areas.


If you are using mulch by itself as a ground cover to prevent erosion and weeds, try 100% Aromatic Cedar Mulch (Texas) and Pine Bark Mulch (Texas and Tenn.) can be used.

First, we grind twice. We process tree trimmings, limbs and logs through a grinder using a large screen. Then, the material is processed a second time through the grinder using a 2-inch screen, making smaller wood fibers, or fresh ground mulch.


Afterwards, the mulch enters a coloring system, where ultra-concentrated, environmentally-safe colorant is mixed with water and applied to the wood fibers.


Finally, the colored mulch feeds out on a belt and is positioned into bulk piles. Some of the product is transported to our bagging facility, where it is packaged and sold in 2 cu. ft. bags.

The colorants we use are safe for people, pets and the planet. Significantly, lab studies have placed the colorant we used in the lowest and safest toxicity possible (category 4), which is the same level as sugar (and lower than levels of toxicity in baking soda and salt!).

Absolutely not. Biosolids are sewage sludge, which is the remainder of all things flushed down our sewers, to include human waste, chemicals, drugs, cleaners, etc.

Living Earth® is a leading recycler of green waste and manufacturer or organic mulch, soil and compost. Most of our locations are also production sites. What we don’t produce ourselves, such as gravel and rock, we source from the very best. Consumers save by going straight to the source to shop.

There are 30 Living Earth locations in DFW, Houston, Knoxville and Nashville.

We are are generally open Monday-Saturday,
except on major holidays. Our hours vary based on market and season. For example, some locations may not be open on Saturdays during the off-season. Please visit Google and/or our locations pages to confirm hours.

We accept clean brush, leaves; grass and floral trimmings.

Most of our locations recycle green waste. A few locations have partnered with municipalities to provide free dumping services for residents. However, most locations must charge a fee to cover the cost of doing business. Give us a call to learn more.

Yes. A product is organic if it is related to or derived from living matter. For example, Living Earth® compost is derived from once living matter such as leaves, grass clippings, discarded plant material, fruit and vegetable discards and sawdust. We manage these materials through the natural process of decomposition, making a finished organic compost that is certified with the U.S. Composting Council.

Yes. Contact us to learn more.

Yes. Depending on market and instructor availability, we can provide tours and presentations for those interested. Please email customerservice@livingearth.net for more information.